Hello Stamping Friends,
Well, it's been quite some time since I last posted for you, but there is a reason for my recent silence.
I lost a very dear friend to brain cancer right after Christmas this year, and the reason I'm sharing this with you is because she was the person who taught me how to set up this blog and begin the blogging journey that I've been on for the past 3 years.
Her name was Glynis, and she blogged for years about all sorts of topics in her life. She was a creative and hilarious lady and a devoted friend, the likes of which is very hard to find in this life.
She was patient, caring and and so very intelligent, and she willingly shared her gifts and time with so many people around her, including many orphans in several African countries through her work with a non-profit organization here in Oklahoma.
So, to honor my friend, today I will begin year number 4 of Quick And Easy Stamping, and as I share my creations with you, I pray you receive the benefits that Glynis and I envisioned through the birth of my blog; building creative confidence through quick and easy stamping.
Be brave and bold and step out into your creative experience. I hope I can be a small part of your journey as you share in mine.
As Glynis always signed her blog posts,

Glynis tasting our canning works of "art"